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2024-07-31 07:03:41
The region he was supposedly born at that time wasn't called Palestine. It was Judea. Many years after he was supposedly death the region was renamed Palestine by the Romans. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-8) Related notes[7]
2024-08-25 22:04:01
Los nativos americanos si tenían muchísimo oro extraído y procesado mucho antes de la llegada de los españoles como se explica en el encuentro entre el Inca Atahualpa que le dió una enorme cantidad de oro a Francisco Pizarro a cambio de su vida y aún así fue ejecutado. [Link][Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-2) Related notes[2]
2024-11-28 07:47:12
NN. Nuclear might be the most expensive energy source but France have shown if done right it is cheaper. Nuclear technology has improved a lot and taxes are lower than in Germany. You can see prices comparison over the years on both countries. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(3-0-3) Related notes[5]