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2023-10-29 21:53:50
El C. Presidente explica su version de los hechos en Acapulco, apoyado por intervenciones de miembros del gobierno en Acapulco; asi mismo, el C. Presidente tambien se pedorrea en los mins 6:12, 6:27; 6:29; 7:32; 8:04; 10:03; 10:23; y 10:33, entre otros minutos con mas discrecion NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-1-4) Related notes[9]
2024-02-25 17:49:48
A US flag with a thin blue line has been used by the "Blue Lives Matter" movement. Certain Police departments (e.g. Los Angeles) have banned the thin blue line US flag because of its associations with views and ideologies described as "undemocratic, racist, and bigoted." [Link][Link]#/media/File:Thin_Blue_Line_Flag_(United_States).svg NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-0) Related notes[4]