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2025-01-19 04:35:50
NNN, The poster is clearly stating his oppion and as such has a right to it whether it is factually accurate or not.
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2025-01-10 20:21:09
Well very interesting and informative, this video fails to include Alaska and Hawaii's introductions into the U.S. both of which are of significant value to the country and to the posts original purpose. [Link] [Link]
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2025-01-18 22:06:09
NNN, The post makes no claims about the truthfulness of Professor Faurisson's claims, only that he claimed them in a court of law. The content of his testimony makes it clear that he is a holocaust denier, It's redundant to reiterate it.
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2025-01-29 07:32:20
The U.S. has funded abortions in foreign countries. Trump put a stop to it during his first term in office, Biden renewed the practice. [Link]
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2025-02-16 07:44:56
NNN, Joe Rogan is correct that studies have shown that high doses of fluoride lower IQ in children. [Link] This does not mean that all experts or studies agree with Rogan's conclusion, part of Rogan's point is that people trust "the experts" to much, and alledges expert bias.
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2025-02-22 13:56:18
NNN, The linked video does not show the camera man "forcing" him to kiss the soldier, the camera man seems to be telling him to do it but anything more is just speculation. (Other context is likely needed for this post) [Link]
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2025-03-02 21:57:07
NNN, come on guys, the original poster says she has questions about a topic, no claims were made other then that she didn't think some unspecified things added up for her. Clearly her personal opinion. Thinking is supposed to be incouraged. Stop abusing community notes. [Link]
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