User Enrollment: None Posted Notes:4
-NEEDS MORE RATINGS:3 Posted Ratings:0
Posted Notes
2024-01-08 01:31:01
No hay registro de que Mourinho haya dicho eso nunca. La última vez que habló públicamente sobre Mbappé fue hace 2 años para algo no relacionado. [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_HELPFUL(9-0-2)
Related notes[1]
2024-01-09 09:47:30
NNN el post es claramente un meme (aunque sea de mal gusto). Es bien sabido que latam ha tenido buenos aportes culturales al mundo, y nadie tomaría este post como información real, por lo que no es necesario ponerle una nota, simplemente decidlo en los comentarios. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-1-0) Related notes[4]
2024-02-10 05:36:07
NNN this being a promotion isn't something relevant to community notes, even if it is violating X's policies there's a report button for that. The post doesn't spread misinformation of any kind, so it doesn't need a note. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(5-0-1) Related notes[3]
2024-09-23 17:15:46
NNN: it says "release window", not "release date". So the information is technically correct, since fall had just started when the post was made and Take-Two confirmed it would come out fall 2025. So it is exactly one year away from its release window. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-0) Related notes[2]