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2024-04-21 18:35:24
Venezuelan academic Ángel Rosenblat has estimated the precolumbian population of the entire American continent was approximately 13 million. It's impossible for Isabel to kill twice the existing population in America in just 12 years with pre-industrial technology. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-0) Related notes[4]
2024-04-30 14:29:58
NNN, la Constitución obliga a que el proceso de renovación se active cada cinco años, pero no obliga a que a que se constituya obligatoriamente si no se alcanza el quorum fijado, por tanto, en tanto no se alcanza el quorum el CGPJ puede permanecer en finciones sine die. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-0) Related notes[2]
2024-06-22 05:47:49
NNN Indika is not a reliable source. Strabo counters the slavery statement based on a report by Onesicritus. Historians as Shireen Moosvi & Romila Thapar theorize that slaves were outcasts and were not considered members of society at all, which would have confused Megasthenes. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(13-2-4) Related notes[12]
2024-08-31 22:21:23
NNN. Although Hernan Cortes had technological superiority, Firearms at that time were inaccurate and needed to be reloaded every time, plus Cortes' army was much smaller in number, a few hundred Spaniards versus thousands of warriors fighting on familiar ground. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(4-0-0) Related notes[3]
2024-11-03 15:47:36
NNN El Gobierno central tiene competencia para declarar el Nivel 3 de Emergencia de forma unilateral sin esperar a la petición de las CCAA. Las notas que dicen que es necesario que lo pidan las CCAA primero no están en lo cierto. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(2-0-0) Related notes[6]