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2022-11-01 21:33:34
Seniors are getting an increase as a cost-of-living adjustment, not an increase in purchasing power. Inflation is up about 8.3% and they're seeing an increase of 8.7% so the net increase is only 0.4% This is laid out on the SSA website and link is attached. [Link]
2022-11-02 02:00:05
Seniors will receive a large Social Security benefit increase due to the annual cost of living adjustment, which is based on the inflation rate. President Nixon in 1972 signed into law automatic benefit adjustments tied to the Consumer Price Index. Pub. L. No. 92-336 (1972). [Link]
2022-11-02 14:07:46
Republicans have repeatedly try to dismantle Social Security over the last 50 years. Over the last 10 months candidates and leadership have talked about doing it again. 10 days ago, they outlined their plans to do just that by threatening a U.S. debt default. [Link] [Link]
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