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2022-11-01 21:33:34
Seniors are getting an increase as a cost-of-living adjustment, not an increase in purchasing power. Inflation is up about 8.3% and they're seeing an increase of 8.7% so the net increase is only 0.4% This is laid out on the SSA website and link is attached. [Link]
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2021-10-18 13:29:00
The cost simply isn't 0. It may get paid fo with taxes but that does NOT make the cost 0. They are using the word cost to trick people into believing it is free. The BBB would not let a car dealer say that. [Link]
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2022-07-19 00:14:02
Gasoline prices are derived from refiners not oil and gas companies. Our refineries are currently operating close to maximum capacity and therefore the oil price does not directly correlate to gasoline prices, you need to look at refining capacity in order to do so.
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2022-11-16 21:25:52
The list is full of speculative assumptions and out of context facts and figures. The unemployment numbers, the manufacturing jobs, etc are obscured by covid. These were not all Biden Admin accomplishments
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2023-08-09 20:40:36
Mr. Brown robbed a store and attacked the responding officer, grabbing the officers gun. The officer acted in self defense and was cleared of wrong doing at least twice. Stating that there is a racist, white supremacist institution that killed him is misleading and inflammatory [Link]
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