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2023-10-01 23:52:51
There is no evidence COVID-19 vaccines are linked to 17 million deaths. Excess mortality has been directly correlated to COVID-19 infection, not vaccines. England for example has 63 vaccine deaths and 189,505 COVID-19 deaths. Australia has 14 vaccine deaths. [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
2023-10-02 00:31:52
Included in the link is the study poster is talking about. NNN [Link]
2023-10-02 04:26:43
The "X" Community need to use their sound judgement and critical thinking on such an article, they do strictly advise that it has not been peer reviewed and thus it has not been stress tested for accuracy. Caution is advised for this post and for one to do their own research.
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