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2023-10-02 04:44:20
Based upon the uniform and the video itself, the police of Netherland police, not German whom have a different uniform. The video also aligns with the many others available online for the more recent climate protests in Netherlands. Please refer to links: [Link] [Link]
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2023-10-07 10:34:11
What Hillary Clinton is proposing is quite dangerous, for instance, China is and has undergone reeducation camps for the Uyghurs, Vietnam did it and it even was used by the Nazi. Approx. 50% of the voting American public voted for Trump, which Hillary implicates in her statement
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2023-10-01 13:03:18
The senator is entitled their own personal opinion, and clearly he is being playful with those who follow his account. X does not need to become a platform where every little thing gets noted, CN is about assisting the public to critically think and make informed decisions.
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2023-10-02 04:26:43
The "X" Community need to use their sound judgement and critical thinking on such an article, they do strictly advise that it has not been peer reviewed and thus it has not been stress tested for accuracy. Caution is advised for this post and for one to do their own research.
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2023-10-02 12:01:45
The figures presented claim that the solar plantation will generate 2,739.73 Megawatts of power per day, that's 456.6216666667 Megawatts of power per hour assuming the plantation runs at peak for at least 6 sunlight hours without interruption, and that the power will be used.
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2023-10-03 09:26:41
This post requires further context that the AEC has failed to provide, as per the law and rules, which can be seen here: [Link] Voting twice is a federal offence, further to that it can sway an outcome because nothing is done until after the fact, and the AEC should know better!
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2023-10-03 10:34:53
Referendums have little to do with principles, they are a means to seek a mandate to alter a fundamentally democratically system, process or document, in this instance the "Australian Constitution" to enshrine a particular race, or group or groups, which could be legislated. [Link]
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2023-10-03 10:41:49
NNN - So far based on official records 80% have indeed been dismissed also the statute of limitations has been applied. Plus, sources being used so far are well known anti-trump outlets. Other sources that are not affiliated to the bigger MSM are being more accurate. [Link]
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2023-10-03 10:46:48
1. There is absolutely nothing in relation to facts that an enshrined body within the constitution will alter or change any outcome from how the 200+ Bodies already in place 2. All votes cast should use clearly a "yes" or a "no" not a tick or cross.
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2023-10-05 21:05:45
There is ample government sources on the facts which did not require a known compromised so-called fact lab such as RMIT. Links provided to official sources to assist people in their research: [Link] And [Link] Critical thinking begins when people research the facts themselves!
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2023-10-13 22:12:31
Whilst technically Warren is right, in that voters can still elect to not turn up and vote, it is however, under Australian law compulsory to vote. There are consequences in not voting under our compulsory system, and using this as a tactic is being disingenuous to both sides.
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2023-12-10 06:54:08
The BoM Provides factual evidence on recorded temps since 1859, with a clear depiction of the averge mean temps since recording began - SOURCE: [Link] The data does not support the posters claim. The Average Temp has hovered + or - 2 deg cel since 1859 - Source: [Link]
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2023-12-18 11:03:06
1. Peter Dutton is the opposition leader and is not the PM, and has no executive powers on these matters, that is for the PM and their relevant minister 2. The states predominantly handle natural disasters, not the federal government, unless assistance is sought by the state [Link]
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2024-03-10 07:19:28
1. This gooes against X community guidelines 2. The poster claims of proof but has not provided any verification or links to such proof 3. The post is defamatory and libellous in the absence of unequivocal proof as per point 2 [Link]
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2024-04-13 06:59:03
According to "World Economics" data, the reported debt to GDP as of 2024 is 47.2% not the 22.3% reported by the poster. [Link] This makes a big difference, especially when you include in other debt factors that are left out of the conversation.
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2024-05-20 09:47:50
As can be seen in the full footage: [Link] Music was injected and Trump could be seen pausing and also communicating with someone in the front. There is an insinuating undertone that there was something wrong with Trump, but the full video indicates it is most likely something else.
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2024-12-28 06:20:12
It should be made clear that Musk himself has clarified before and many other times his immigration position, the CN that has been posted is not accurate and purely are conjecture as immigration status are private and confidential. [Link] Stop Abusing Community Notes!
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