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2024-07-08 11:58:20
This is a "Correspondence", defined by Lancet as a letter from readers which is not peer-reviewed. It does not estimate the actual number of indirect deaths in Gaza, but simply projects based on a ratio of 4-to-1 indirect-to-direct deaths in recent conflicts. [Link] [Link]
2024-07-08 12:10:10
Adding to the note above, the estimate in the article is NOT about the number of killed in Gaza. It is an estimate of indirect deaths that may occur months/years from now as a result of disease. [Link]
2024-07-12 17:27:31
Aside from the fact that this is not peer reviewed (it's a letter from the correspondence section), the 186,000 estimate is a forward-looking one not current. It's a theory. The authors speculate by multiplying the direct deaths by four potential indirect future deaths. [Link]
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