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Posted Notes
2023-12-10 09:41:53
NNN. While there would have been no effective ceasefire, it is factually correct that the only country vetoing it is the US. Pinning the blame on Hamas as the suggested note does is disingenuine, if only for the fact that Israel historically ignores most if not all resolutions [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(6-1-2) Related notes[8]
2023-12-11 09:10:01
NNN. Suggested note misses two key facts: 1. Missiles fired from helicopter can (shockingly) travel some distance on their own 2. Police investigations, IAF Colonel and haaretz confirmed Apaches were responsible for at least some of the civilian casualties on the scene [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(7-0-1) Related notes[5]
2023-12-11 09:37:13
NNN. Spokesperson of the IDF:“while balancing accuracy with the scope of damage, right now we’re focused on what causes maximum damage”([Link] How the IDF identifies "power targets":[Link] On the Dahiya doctrine of mass damage on civilian infrastructure used by the IDF: [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-1) Related notes[5]