User Enrollment: None Posted Notes:5
-NEEDS MORE RATINGS:5 Posted Ratings:230
Posted Notes
2023-11-15 00:34:07
This statement is plain wrong. You only need to look at all of Europe which is still governed democratically after waves of islamic immigration. [Link] Besides, in the US for example. Muslim immigration is ongoing since at least 1880. [Link] This post, at best, serves as engagement bait. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(2-0-0)
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2023-12-24 17:30:14
while a criminal act was first suspected, the police investigation has concluded that the cause was an electrical accident. (the article linked in the tweet has also updated) [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-0)
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2024-02-07 00:34:12
NN - the tweet is formulated as a fact. meaning that even if it was intended as the sharing of an opinion it deserves a note. an opinion should be clearly stated as one for it to not be misleading. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-8) Related notes[6]
2024-05-14 09:42:33
it's not a 'complaint'. the pimp OR the sexworker can ask for a government mediator when the worker invokes their various newfound refusal rights 10 times in 6 months. it's to resolve any workplace issues through mediation. the worker cannot be fired over invoking these rights [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(3-0-3) Related notes[5]
2024-10-21 11:09:23
You did not explain anything in your note. Sources aren't an explanation. They are meant to support your added context or rebuttal. It's on you to explain why you think those sources warrant a CN NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(2-0-0) Related notes[2]